If you would like to hire me for private, one-on-one men’s dating and/or relationship coaching please read on…
Men’s Dating & Relationship Coaching
I’m Erik Peterson & I’m a men’s dating & relationship coach. I coach men through their dating, relationship & marriage struggles with specific focus on emotional & sexual attraction. It’s a woman’s attraction & respect for you that determines the health & longevity of the relationship. While I specialize in coaching men, I do occasionally coach both straight & lesbian women as well.
I’ve been coaching men professionally since 2016! Here are some testimonials from a some of my past clients I’ve helped with their dating & relationship issues.
PLEASE READ: Below, please select the option that works best for you. I have several affordable phone & Zoom coaching options. I take clients from anywhere in the world! If you’re located outside North America, just scroll past the phone coaching to find the Zoom coaching options. Phone coaching is available for North America ONLY.
Once you have made a payment through PayPal (you may use your PayPal account or credit card) you will be redirected back to a page within this website where you will find some simple instructions to get started.
If you have any problems, questions, or you’re not redirected back to the confirmation page, please contact me.
Phone Coaching BasicNorth American clients ONLY.
$89.0030 Mins. No follow-up email
Same Day Appts
Plan Of Action
Available Weekends
Available Holidays
Phone Coaching LiteNorth American clients ONLY.
$149.00One Hour No follow-up email
Same Day Appts
Plan Of Action
Available Weekends
Available Holidays
Phone Coaching UltraNorth American clients ONLY.
$219.00One Hour Includes follow-up email
Same Day Appts
Plan Of Action
Available Weekends
Available Holidays
Zoom Coaching BasicClients outside North America ONLY.
$89.0030 Mins. No follow-up email
Same Day Appts
Plan Of Action
Available Weekends
Available Holidays
Zoom Coaching LiteClients outside North America ONLY.
$149.00One Hour No follow-up email
Same Day Appts
Plan Of Action
Available Weekends
Available Holidays
Zoom Coaching UltraClients outside North America ONLY.
$219.00One Hour Includes follow-up email
Same Day Appts
Plan Of Action
Available Weekends
Available Holidays
Disclaimer: My coaching & advice does not replace professional services such as legal, medical, or psychological advice. Please continue to use your own discretion, intuition & common sense when it comes to making decisions for your life. My advice is an opinion and I offer information of a general nature and none of the opinions should be construed as professional advice. Nothing contained within the website or during coaching sessions is the advice, opinion or otherwise the view of any host, owner, server or other provider of services to Skill Of Attraction. Nothing stated shall be construed to serve as a replacement for competent advice from professionals.