Key Mindset To Attract Beautiful Women
When it comes to success with women, or having the ability to attract beautiful women, it’s mostly about your mindset. This is really true for any area of your life.
If you have negative mindset, or think you’re going to fail with any woman who you approach or become involved with, then you will absolutely fail. It’s like a self-fulling prophecy.
Of course on the other hand, if you have a positive mindset and truly believe that you can and will attract beautiful women, then the chances are much better for you. Eventually you will have success if you continue without becoming discouraged.
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Just a positive mindset alone isn’t enough to attract beautiful women. A woman must feel some attraction for you before she’s open to even talking to you, let alone giving out her number and ultimately going out on a date with you. Even if she does feel attraction for you, and you go into the situation feeling like you don’t have a chance with her, she will never give you any sort of real opportunity. If you’re good looking, she may be a bit more open to giving you more of a chance, but eventually your own mindset will bring you down. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Women Who You Really Like
Think of that beautiful girl you saw, met or already know from somewhere. Remember how nervous you were to speak to her or invite her out on some sort of date. Perhaps you mustered up enough courage to speak to her, but she shot you down. Or maybe she gave you the “let’s just be fiends speech“, or showed zero interest in you.
Now think of that girl whom you have no interest in. She might be a little attractive, but she just doesn’t do it for you. Have you ever noticed how that girl whom you have no interest in is completely enamored with you? She’s always talking to you, maybe texts you or comments or ‘likes’ every one of your social media posts. Her eyes light up every time you walk into the room. She can’t help herself to immediately run over to talk to you.
You begin to wonder why is it that the girls you really like have no interest in you, but the girls who you have no interest in think you’re the most attractive man in the world.
It’s Mostly About Your Mindset
We’ve all asked ourselves that question at some point in our lives. We conclude that if we could only get those beautiful women that we actually like to feel the same way about us as the girls whom we have little interest in. You may even feel that it’s some cruel joke the universe is playing on you.
The answer to that question is that it’s mostly about your mindset. Yes, being good looking, financially secure, driving a cool car and being in great shape will all help you significantly. However, like I said, even if you have all that, but your mindset is crap, you won’t be able to keep any woman very long.
Now, part of finding success in any area of your life, especially if you want to attract beautiful women, it requires not only your desire for it, but the belief that you can achieve it.
Destructive Beliefs
For a good portion of my life I always had the “glass is half empty” sort of attitude and I never got anywhere. I’d work my ass off and do what I was supposed to do, but I just never got to where I wanted to be. Then of course I would get frustrated and discouraged and eventually I’d just give up. I started thinking that I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, or didn’t have enough money. Sometimes I even believed the world was out to get me, or there was some conspiracy to keep me down, and whatever other crazy ideas I could come up with that would explain my failures.
These sort of things have a snowball effect. The more I began to believe I would never be able to accomplish particular goals due to my failures, the more I would continue to fail. This would just confirm my growing destructive beliefs that I would never get anywhere. Depression and hopelessness would set in, making me believe even further that my destiny is failure, or mediocrity at best. Of course I would blame everything and everyone else for my failures.
The Problem Isn’t Modern Women
I think many men fall into this trap of destructive beliefs. I can tell by some of the comments I get from you guys, and some of the comments I see on social media, are either filled with hopelessness or just outright bitterness and anger, often towards women.
The problem isn’t women, or all the people seemingly holding you back. The problem is you and your mindset. We’re our own worst enemy. We begin to believe all that negative self talk we tell ourselves.
Our brains have no choice but to believe whatever we tell it. There is no other frame of reference for our minds besides ourselves and how we interpret what’s going on in our lives. That’s a powerful fact to realize. It’s such a big realization that now that you’ve heard it me say it, I bet you’re going to be at least a little more conscious of what you’re telling yourselves, and you absolutely should be.
How To Attract Beautiful Women
Why is all this important? Because you MUST truly believe that you deserve her. This includes when you approach women, or you’re involved with a woman, or even to keep your girl long term.
One of the most attractive attitudes a man can have when it comes to women is that he deserves her. This was one of the reasons cocky jackasses, or “bad boys”, are so attractive to women. To the rest of us watching, when we see those guys we’re face-palming ourselves and shaking our head thinking, “what an idiot”, or “what a jerk”. But we also see women giggling and flirting with these same guys. We’re left thinking, “what the hell?”
Only GIRLS Fall For That
Now, you might be thinking, “well, those are GIRLS who fall for that, not WOMEN”. But these are also the same females, girl or woman, that just got done telling you they want a nice guy who shows them respect and doesn’t only have sex on his mind. They’re also the same ladies who give that cocky jerk her phone number, or in some cases, even go home with the guy. Then they try to lock him into a relationship. The truth is, both girls and women of all ages love that, because men who believe they’re deserving of a particular woman just exude confidence and self worth. That mindset attracts beautiful women!
Why Men Have Trouble With This
One great way to help you get into this mindset is to remove her beauty from the equation. Most men get all tongue tied and nervous because they find themselves completely intimidated by her beauty. They begin think, “Oh no, she’s WAY out of my league! I could never get a girl like that”. And just like that, they set themselves up for failure.
They begin to act timid, extra nice and extra sweet, maybe just throwing compliments at her left and right; “You’re so beautiful”. All of that is communicating loud and clear to her that you feel undeserving of her. It conveys that she’s out of your league and you’re placing her up on a pedestal. Then she begins to believe the same thing.
If she felt any attraction for you, it’s now gone. She may still feel that you’re physically attractive, but even that drops a bit because of that mindset. And once a woman forms an opinion of you it’s VERY difficult to change that.
And that, by the way, works in either direction; if she feels you’re the most wonderful, sexy man on the plant, it will take a lot to convince her otherwise. On the other hand, if she believes you’re a weak beta or a creep, it’s almost impossible to convince her otherwise.
Never Pedestalize A Woman
Placing a woman up on a pedestal and worshiping her or her beauty is a quick way to get yourself rejected. Women must look UP to you with respect and admiration in order to maintain her attraction. When you have a woman on a pedestal, now she’s actually looking down on you, losing all respect and admiration. You will never be able to attract beautiful women this way.
Women want to feel like they have a man who is a prize. They want to feel like she’s the luckiest girl in the world! She can’t feel that way if you’re more or less kissing her ass and worshipping the ground she walks on.
Women DO want to be worshiped. I mean, who doesn’t want to be worshiped by the opposite sex? But it kills a woman’s attraction for a man. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Treat her like a celebrity and she’ll treat you like a fan”. In other words, the men who worship them have zero chance of her actually getting close to her romantically or sexually. She just doesn’t respect those men.
In Conclusion
Ignore her beauty, or at least don’t let it intimidate you. While counterintuitive, this is easiest way to attract beautiful women. Stop thinking in terms of “leagues”, as in “she’s out of my league”. Start thinking that you deserve that girl. It doesn’t mean that you’re entitled to anything, because this is about confidence and self worth. It’s not about entitlement. Just always remember that YOU are the creator of your own reality.
Start getting yourself used to talking and flirting with women. Talk and flirt with all women of various levels of attractiveness. If you just practice on less than attractive women, you’re going to freeze up when it’s a woman that you REALLY want to talk to. Approach these women with no attachments to any outcome. Just see it as you having a little fun. This will help to get you prepared to talk to the more beautiful women, where their beauty doesn’t intimidate you. And of course you must remind yourself that you’re deserving of beautiful women if you want to attract beautiful women.
The more that you increase your value by working on yourself. The more the you pursue your goals and hobbies. You will believe that you’re deserving of beautiful, high quality women. With that belief, the more you’ll be able to attract beautiful women.
I Can Help You
Do you need help with your mindsets and the ability to attract beautiful women? Perhaps you are having some other issues with your dating and/or relationships? I can help you. Please visit my coaching page and book private, one-on-one coaching with me. We will get to the bottom of this and get things turned around for you.
Be sure to also join the FREE Skill Of Attraction community, and check out my recommended reading for further learning about game, attraction, women, dating/relationships.
If you’d like to watch my video on this topic, click HERE.
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