How to make your dates fun and exciting

How To Make Dates Fun and Exciting

It’s extremely important that you not only take your girl out on dates, but also to make your dates fun and exciting. It doesn’t matter if you just met her or you’ve been together for 30+ years. If you’re not dating her, she’s going to start to believe that you don’t care. Plus, women get bored very easily. They need emotional stimulation in order to to remain attracted and in love with you. However, it’s not just going through the motions of taking her on dates that matter, but how the dates make her feel. If you take her out to the same restaurant every Friday night, it’s not much different than not dating her at all. You need to make your dates fun and exciting. And yes men, this IS your job! Men are the leaders of the relationship. Women despise leading the relationship.

How to make your dates fun and exciting

How To Make Dates Fun and Exciting

The first thing you must think about is creativity in your date planning. Most men go for the typical dinner date at a fancy restaurant. While that’s nice occasionally, your creativity means MUCH more to her than the amount of money you spend on her. Plus, one of the things that makes you attractive to her, as opposed to other men, is that you stand out above the other men. So, you want to continue that by being creative with your dates, as that creativity will also be memorable. Remember that the idea is to make your dates fun and exciting.

You also want to think in terms of something both enjoyable and romantic for both of you. Hit the arcade, plan a picnic under the stars, make dinner together, take a cooking class, or maybe take her to a concert in the park. The possibilities are endless if you use your imagination. Hop onto Google to look up some ideas if you’re drawing a blank. It’s also a good idea to have a few date ideas in the hopper before you even mention going on a date. The reason why is, because you want to be able to tell her what to wear or how she should dress. She’s going to want to know these details.

Calling The Shots

When it comes to making your dates fun and exciting, men are expected to do all the planning. So, you want to take care of all the logistics, because women really just want to show up, looking hot. Tell her how she should dress, because she’s going to want to know that; however it is kind of cool, and she’ll think so too, if you tell her what you would like to see her in. As an example, you could say, “I want you to wear that red, skimpy dress and those sparkly heels”. I guarantee she’ll be like, “Okay!” Not only do women want to know how they can make themselves look extra beautiful for you, but they love it when a man calls the shots. It’s sexy to women.

On the flip side, if you ask her where she wants to go for your date, or leave any planning up to her, at best, she will have neutral feelings. When it comes to women, you always want to stimulate her emotions and excite her.

Anticipation Creates Excitement

Another reason to tell her how to dress is, because you’re not going to tell her what you have planned. You are going to plan it all out and take care of all the details (reservations, transportation, babysitter if you have children, etc). But, when she asks what you have planned, you want to respond with something like, “You just leave that to me. Be ready at 8pm and dressed to kill”. She’s going to pry, maybe even get a little frustrated, because you’re not telling her. Ultimately, she’s going to love how you’re doing this. This builds anticipation, which creates excitement. She’s going to wonder where you’re taking her. Most likely she will be talking to her girlfriends trying to figure it out, perhaps even doing some sleuthing on her own. Essentially, you and your upcoming date is going to be at the forefront of her thoughts. This only increases her attraction for you. It’s mysterious, and women love mystery.

I always do this with the women I date. They both love and hate it, but in the end they’re all smiles and bouncing off the walls with excitement by date night.

I Can Help You

Need some help with making your dates fun and exciting? Perhaps you are having some other issues with your dating and/or relationships? I can help you. Please visit my coaching page and book private, one-on-one coaching with me. We will get to the bottom of this and get things turned around for you.

Be sure to also check out my recommended reading for further learning about game, women, dating and relationships.

If you would like to watch my video on this topic, please click here.


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