men playing hard to get

Why Playing Hard to Get Works For Men

Don’t ever feel bad or arrogant about playing hard to get; women do this ALL the time. However, girls usually do this as a way to gauge your interest and to see just how much you’re willing to chase them. It’s more of a game to them. For men, on the other hand, playing hard to get should never be playing a game. So, instead of “playing” hard to get, let’s call it “being” hard to get. This is why it’s so important for men to build up a well-rounded life that is busy and fulfilling. You naturally won’t be giving away your heart so easily and you’ll be objective with women.

men playing hard to get

Playing hard to get, or in this case, being hard to get works to your advantage when it comes to women and relationships. It works very well in terms of raising her attraction level for you. In this article, I will discuss how you can be hard to get without playing games.

Why Playing Hard To Get Works

Point blank, the biggest reason for being hard to get is because it projects high value. If you easily give your heart away to one girl, why would she believe that you don’t give it away to other girls just as easily? Giving your heart away easily projects lower value, but it also makes her feel less special.

Think about it, when you have to work hard or put in a lot of effort to get anything in life, you appreciate the hell out of it. If it’s just given to you, it’s nice, but you don’t appreciate or value it anywhere near as much. It’s the same when it comes to relationships. As I’ve stated before, women crave men of high value. “High value”, in this case, is when you have options with other women, your life doesn’t revolve around women, and you have purpose in your life. Having just a little of that already makes you stand-out above most of the other guys out there. Confident men with options whom stand out from the typical needy, insecure guy are highly sought after by women. They’re biologically wired to seek out these sort of men. This is in order to mate and produce strong, beautiful offspring.

How To Be Hard To Get

You must be careful here. If you’re too hard to get, women will just think that you’re not interested and move on. Like anything, when it comes to triggering and maintaining attraction, you have to find that sweet spot somewhere in between showing interest and not giving your heart away so easily. Most of you already know exactly how to show a women that you’re interested, but how do you be hard to get without playing games?

Be Objective With Women

You want to be objective about any woman you’re dating, and throughout the relationship. Aside from her being attractive, you want to think in terms of, “Is this girl good for me?” We all have our own prerequisites for what type of woman is good for us. So, you want to be sure that she not only qualifies, but she maintains being the person that she wants you to believe she is. Many people put on a good front in the beginning stages of dating. Over time, they can get lazy and begin to turn into another person. You want to be sure that she continues to put in at least the same amount of effort into the relationship as you do, relatively consistently throughout the relationship. There will be times when you’re putting in more effort than she, and vice versa. Just be sure it evens out over time.

Date Multiple Women

It’s also a good idea to continue dating other women until you find the one for you. Dating multiple women will keep your options open and you will not be so quick to jump into a relationship. Men whom have no options with women often become very needy and clingy with the one woman that is interested in them. This mentality drives women away. Having options will also cause you to display a natural confidence about yourself. This confidence will drive the ladies wild.

Have Purpose In Your Life

You want to be sure that a majority of your focus is on your goals and passions in life. In other words, do you have purpose? Do you have a compelling reason to get out of bed every morning? When you have a majority of your focus on your purpose you will naturally be hard to get. You’re not going to just drop everything to talk or see a woman, because your purpose comes first. You will still want to make time for her in way where you’re completely present with her, but what drives you comes first.

In Conclusion

Following this, you won’t be playing games or “PLAYING” hard to get; you will just be confident and not be so easy. She’s going to love you more and be much more attracted to you this way. Women love when you’re a bit of a challenge; you will have a much higher value to her. The rest of the guys throwing themselves at her won’t mean nearly as much. She knows that she has to put in effort with you and be patient to win you over, and keep you. That makes you very attractive!

I Can Help You

If you need help in being hard to get, or perhaps you are having some other issues with your dating and/or relationships. I can help you. Please visit my coaching page and book private, one-on-one coaching with me. We will get to the bottom of this and get things turned around for you.

To view my video on this topic, please click here.

Do you have a question about your relationship? Send me a message of 2-3 paragraphs explaining your situation for a response. I may also use it in an upcoming post (your privacy will be respected). I must respond to my paying clients first, however. If you would like an immediate response please see my coaching page to book emergency coaching.


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