women love blod edgy men

Women Love Bold Edgy Men

Almost all women love bold edgy men. Typically a woman lives a life of tedious routine. It’s dull, boring and predictable. Yet they crave fun and excitement in their life. Who doesn’t? And, as far as relationships are concerned, they want nothing more than a confident, unique and attractive man that brings fun, adventure and excitement into their otherwise mundane lives. There are many ways to be exciting to women, but one great way to do this is to display your bold, edgy side.

women love blod edgy men

In this article I’m going to explain why women love this behavior in a man and why it’s important for building her attraction for you. I’m also going to show you how to bring out your own bold, edgy side; making yourself even more attractive to women.

Why Women Love Bold Edgy Men

One of the biggest factors in a woman’s attraction for you is how you make her feel and how she associates you with those feelings. How she feels when she’s with you and how she feels about you when you’re not around is what fuels her growing love and attraction for you. Understand that women are emotional beings and they actually like to feel a wide spectrum of emotions. It’s what makes her feel alive! They mostly want to feel good emotions, but even her experiencing occasional negative emotions is better than her feeling no emotions at all with you. So, by displaying that bold, edgy side of you it makes her feel excitement on some level. Therefore, she will associate excitement when she thinks of you, making you more attractive in her eyes. Thinking of you as an exciting man also leads to sexual attraction.

Of course every girl is different. The bold, edgy men that a wholesome, church-going gal from the suburbs may find attractive will be quite different than what a hardened stripper might. It’s all about how you stand out, compared to the average guy, in her environment. That average guy is your typical “nice guy”. He’s careful what he says around her, so he doesn’t offend her. He also will be reluctant to take chances around her, because he’s afraid it will scare her away. This just adds to her already dull, boring and predictable daily life. This average “nice guy” is part of that backdrop. He doesn’t stand out to her at all. Plus, women LOVE authentic men! Most guys are hiding behind the “nice guy” mask, which they find manipulative and not very attractive at all.

How To Be One Of These Bold Edgy Men

Most women are attracted to masculine men, just like most men are attracted to feminine women. Part of masculine energy is the ability and courage to take risks with little to no fear of the outcome, or what other people will think. If you’re used to always censoring yourself around women, or will think of you, this can be a problem. This doesn’t mean that you can’t meet and attract women. It usually does mean that these women will be mediocre at best, who are also settling for you. This also means that you are actually settling too, because you would be with a woman who doesn’t think the world of you. Why would you settle for a woman who doesn’t consider you a prize catch?

In order to bring this side out of you, you must begin stepping outside your comfort zone. Start slow by taking baby steps. Begin saying what’s on your mind, little by little. Perhaps begin around your circle of friends, so you feel a bit more comfortable at first. Just don’t be afraid to push the boundaries at bit. You will see that it won’t bother people as much as you may think. In fact, you will notice people and women respecting your words and actions more. As you become a bit more comfortable speaking your mind and living true to who you really are, you will also notice your confidence growing. It’s no secret that women love confident men. Not only will you feel more confident, you will feel freer. You’re not suppressing that masculine male deep within. So, be bold. Take calculated risks, and I promise you that your confidence will grow and women will begin to find you irresistible.

I Can Help You

If you need help becoming one of these bold edgy men women love, or perhaps you are having some issues with your dating and/or relationships. I can help. Please visit my coaching page and book a private, one-on-one email coaching with me and we will get to the bottom of this and get things turned around for you.

You can watch why women love bold, edgy behavior in men here


Do you have a question about this topic or your relationship? Send me a message of 2-3 paragraphs explaining your situation for a response. I may also use it in an upcoming post (your privacy will be respected). I must respond to my paying clients first, however. If you would like an immediate response please see my coaching page to book emergency or monthly coaching.


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